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[COMPANY NEWS] Hotel lighting has played an irreplaceable role in the hotels soft clothing.
Hotellightingisusuallyreferredtoasahotelorhotel,hotelandhotel,andotherchargeservicebuildingsfordecorrelease time:2018-04-24 The number of clicks:198 -
[COMPANY NEWS] The choice of hotel lighting is different from that of other lighting fixtures.
Asfarashotelsareconcerned,thechoiceofhotellightingisdifferentfromthatofotherlamps.Fromthehotel'srelease time:2018-05-02 The number of clicks:233 -
[INDUSTRY NEWS] What do you need to pay attention to hotel lighting
Thelampsandlanternsusedinthehotelaregenerallydifficulttofindinthestyleofthelightingmarket,somanyhorelease time:2018-04-09 The number of clicks:247 -
[LIGHTING KNOWLEDGE] Hotel lighting customization is also a good way to choose.
Hotellightinghasalwaysbeentheconcernofpeopleinthisindustry,becauselightingisveryimportanttotheenvironrelease time:2018-04-19 The number of clicks:177